Dear Aerin Cox,
Six months after my dad’s passing,
you never once checked in
I called you out on it
You called me a woman
And began to calumniate and ridicule me.
Two years after my dad’s passing,
you wanted to apologize
You texted me, rather than call
You texted someone you hadn’t talked to in 2 years
And couldn’t take 5 seconds
out of those 63,072,000 to reach out.
You wanted to apologize
at a large public event called MAGFest
In a location only convenient to you
and you reached out just days before
the event would start.
Six months later
I reached out to you
You decided to apologize
the following week, in person,
and immediately began talking
about yourself while on the phone.
On the day of the apology,
You texted me,
23 minutes after the time you setup,
and suddenly gave an excuse
to push back the apology time,
by 3 fucking hours,
because you were
“out with your peeps right now, lol wut?”
I called you… and you stated
“You said you had the whole day open.”
You then had the arrogance to ask
why I was upset.
You then said,
“I don’t want to apologize anymore.
I feel you won’t respect me.
Good luck in life.”
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
I cannot imagine how poorly
you treat people in
your personal life,
because if this is how you
treat a “friend” then why would
anyone ever want you as theirs?
Here’s how our
meeting would’ve gone down
if you weren’t such an
entitled cunt:
Thank you for showing up on time.
I’m doing great.
My Dad died a few months before you last saw me.
Don’t worry about it.
I moved to Switzerland 🇨🇭 years ago.
Thank you for addressing whatever
“issues” you had in person.
Now, I’d love to hear about your trip to Japan.
Sounds great and I appreciate the apology.
Yup; let’s keep in touch.
May the Irish Hills Caress You;
Fucking Coward.